Instituto de Enseñanza Secundaria Obligatoria
Gustavo Blanco Sánche - coordinator

Our school
Joaquín Lobato Secondary School offers the first and second cycle of compulsory secondary education (E.S.O.). The number of students who receive classes in the center is 390. The teaching staff has a staff of 38 teachers in addition to three people belonging to the service and administration staff. Our students are between the ages of 12 and 16, including the last phase of compulsory education in Spain. All of them come from villages where the axis of the economy is agriculture. Therefore, very heterogeneous academic profiles are presented since we have students who are very involved in the activities that are developed in the centre and with good academic results and, on the other hand, students who, due to their characteristics, are motivated by their interest in completing the stage of compulsory education and entering the world of work. Several educational innovation programmes belonging to the plans and programmes of the “Junta de Andalucia” are carried out in the centre: • “Environmeltal Projects” • “Aula Djaque” Project “Comunica” Project • “Convivence Projects”: Coeducation: Working Group on Competency Assessment: Our motivation to collaborate in Erasmus+ projects is mainly to offer our students the chance to get to know new cultures and thus be able to exchange life experiences with other young people. In addition, these projects offer the possibility of this exchange being in English and on subjects related to which the students work in the subjects they teach. Therefore, there are many positive factors that motivate our participation.
Instituto de Enseñanza Secundaria Obligatoria
Gustavo Blanco Sánche - coordinator