Michele Oliva – coordinator

Our school
The Institute of High Education "Piria" is situated in Rosarno, a large village in the province of Reggio Calabria. It is the only provider of education to young people of Rosarno and the surrounding towns for the age ranging from15 to 19.The Institute is made up of three types of schools: 1)The High Scientific School offers a scientific and humanistic cultural education. The school is a ECDL Center and a "Trinity Test Center" for the certification of language skills. 2)The Technical Institute of Administration , Finance and Marketing; 3)The 'Professional Institute for Services to Agriculture; The Institute has a total of about 1.200 students and employs 140 members of teaching staff and non-teaching staff. Although our school is located in one of the sunniest area with crystal water seas and sandy beaches with a huge potential of touristic development, job is mainly made up of fixed-term jobs, part-time jobs and other various forms of precarious work. Erasmus+ Will open our students ' mind and Will help them see other training and employment horizons. The school is a cutting edge one and it has obtained numerous and important awards in chemistry, science, computer, mathematical and linguistic scope, which, in some cases, were delivered by the Ministers of the Republic. The institute "Piria" has the iso Quality Certification. It is also a training organization for external professionals, properly validated by the Calabria Region. The teachers integrated in this application have different skills: Degree in Computer Science, Foreign Languages English, Chemistry, Biology. Our principal Mariarosaria Russo has over 30 years experience in the educational field. She has many degrees and specialized awards. The positive results of the "Russo method" on the overall framework of education and trainin supply are considered to be of a high level, according to the standards of the Educational Ministery so as to estabilsh the "Piria" as a school of national and international excellence. The key person involved in this application is Michele Oliva, a professor of computer science and specialized in Teaching Disabled Students. He is the Director-General of Erasmus+ and responsible for international relations. The European program of our institution, in fact, is led by the Project Coordinator, OLIVA. He has extensive experience in project planning, cycle and project management, grant management, dissemination, cooperation with stakeholders, communication between partners, selection and preparation of project activities with his team. There are also 6 English teachers they will be responsible for the selection and preparation of the students and staff for the project activities. The Department of Computer Science is one of the most important of the province consists of 10 professors, engaged in educational activities. The teachers of Computer Science have received numerous national awards, certifying the high quality of work done.
Michele Oliva – coordinator